Running west in GitLab CI

As stated before, working with the Zephyr RTOS, the use of west isn’t essential, but it does make a lot of sense to have the mechanisms of building abstracted away nicely by some pretty tooling.

Using west in a GitLab CI runner though poses some challenges, which were recently brought up in the Zephyr Discord. I had posted the solution there, but figure it should be more broadly documented.

Anatomy of a Manifest

Starting with a basic project, we create a manifest file that looks like:

    - name: github
    - name: internal
# module-a/west.yml:
  - name: project_a
    remote: github
    repo-path: project_a
  - name: internal_1
    remote: internal
    repo-path: product/internal_1
  - name: internal_2
    remote: internal
    repo-path: product_internal_2

  path: module-a

On your local system this works really well. You can setup your internal GitLab account to work with an ssh key, configure an ssh-agent, and never need to type a password again. The github remote is done through HTTP as you don’t plan to change any of that code and thus can be done anonymously.

When you move to enabling a GitLab CI runner to pull down the artifacts with west you run into some challenges. First, there is no SSH, and even if you were to install it, you have no keys defined, no authentication setup for the hosts, and no secure location to store any keys if you had them.

You could go through the hassle of trying to set all this up and configure git to work around this, which is a hassle to maintain. Or…

Use the Tools You Have

Looking at the problem, we know that a GitLab CI run has the ability to authenticate itself to GitLab and pull down the code. It has to, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to run any of the CI. These values are available to you in the .gitlab-ci.yml files as a user (gitlab-ci-token) and a unique access token for the life of the stage (${CI_JOB_TOKEN}).

Okay now that we know we can authenticate, how can we have a west init work with these values?

Using git’s insteadof functionality does exactly what is being asked. In short, you can tell the git tooling that when it sees a request to to replace it with another access method, such at authenticated HTTPS. On GitLab CI this works because again you have the authentication pieces as mentioned above already defined.

Putting It All Together

What does this look like in practice? Most of the CI I work with is in bash or python scripts (not a fan of yaml-bash), and can be run by both the CI and end user we make a check for the $CI_JOB_TOKEN and if it exists, we apply the insteadof work-around like so:

    if [ -n "$CI_JOB_TOKEN" ]; then
        # This is a hack around the CI which cannot work via SSH but
        # can work via HTTPS.  So we are using git to replace the remote
        # line containing an ssh URL with an HTTPS URL.  This is not expected
        # to last beyond this brief moment in time at the west update.
        docker_cmd="git config --global url.\"$CI_URL\".insteadof && $docker_cmd"

Note this work-around will only last as long as the .git directory does. Meaning if you move to another phase, you will likely need to restate this configuration.

Written on January 31, 2022